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Best 5 Business-to-Business (B2B) and Business-to-Consumer (B2C) E-commerce Marketplaces in India.

Best 5 Business-to-Business (B2B) and Business-to-Consumer (B2C) E-commerce Marketplaces in India.

Is B2B ecommerce business momentum in India?

  • India is forming into a hotbed of ecommerce business . The growth of the ecommerce industry in a very short period of time has witnessed growth. The most widely recognized model is the commercial center arrangement, where an organization goes about as an arbiter to interface vendors and purchasers. In India most ecommerce business organizations are looking for more roles by providing godown and logistics facilities to its vendors.

Extent of B2B and B2C Business in India.

  • Did you have any idea that India is the fastest developing at an annual rate of 51%, the Indian Ecommerce income is the most elevated on the planet. Driven mainly by the popular multi vendor marketplaces, this growth also underlines the huge demand-supply gap. 

  • While Amazon is leading the way in this business race, many local players are slowly expanding their business reach and consolidating their presence. The competition is undoubtedly high but ideal for the development of indigenous brands that can bridge the gap between supply and demand. 

  • Internet access in India is relatively low, but e-commerce business is huge in India. Even though only 50% of the Indian population has internet access, Indian e-commerce revenue is the highest in the world.

  1. Amazon India

  • For Indian purchasers, online shopping is inseparable from shopping on Amazon. Trusted by more than 70% of online customers, Amazon is estimated to have 322.54 million visitors per month.  
  • Along with selling a wide product of items like gadgets, machines, staple, design etc Amazon likewise offers its brand of products, Amazon prime advanced administrations and top-selling gadgets like Alexa and Echo. 
  • Amazon, the e-commerce business dispatched its B2B stage a few years ago with the aim of fulfilling the demand of its customers who want to obtain supplies for their business.  
  • One more important thing about the site is that it is a B2B entry that gives free credit administration to a limit of 48 days.

  1. Flipkart 

  • Flipkart is India's first and maybe best e-commerce business example of overcoming adversity. Begun at first as a bookselling multi merchant store, Flipkart currently sells nearly everything very much like Amazon.Flipkart is estimated to have 242.62 million visitors per month.  

  • Flipkart has more than 1,00,000 enlisted dealers in its multi seller commercial center selling an assortment of hardware, design, machines, furniture, books and other stuff. Flipkart held a 39.5% piece of the pie of India's e-commerce industry.
  1. Alibaba

  • One of the most notable and well known business to business (B2B) sites, Alibaba has more than 80 million clients. It is a stage that unites merchants and exporters from various regions of the world. In addition, Alibaba has simplified exchanging for brokers and offers escrow benefits that clients can use. 

  • It is a B2B site with a great many items recorded in excess of forty general classes and permits you to list a predetermined number of items for nothing. According to accessible information, this B2B behemoth procures a yearly overall gain of around $6 billion and utilizes more than 50,000 individuals.


  • Bookmyparts is India's Leading machinery aggregator for sourcing industrial tools and industrial machinery spare parts online from trusted machinery tools and spare parts suppliers. Choose the right industrial tool or accessories by consulting with our experts and get it delivered at your doorstep across india. 
  • Bookmyparts works in industrial tools and machinery tools and spare parts suppliers. Bookmyparts sells special Power Tools, Hand Tools, Cordless Tools Online at the lowest prices. Bookmyparts is the fastest growing e-commerce B2B & B2C platform in 

  1. Meesho 

  • It provides an online platform for small businesses to sell their products to consumers as well as resellers who can resell the products via social channels such as WhatsApp, Facebook and Instagram.Meesho pivoted again, morphing into India's first online distribution channel for long tail products, providing opportunity for individual resellers to sell these products on Facebook, Instagram and other social networks. 
  • Meesho is an Indian social e-commerce company, headquartered in Bangalore. It was founded by IIT Delhi graduates Vidit Aatrey and Sanjeev Barnwal in December 2015. 


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